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Monday, August 31, 2009

सेनेटर एडवर्ड केन्नेद्य लैड तो Rest

The long term Senator from the state of Massachusetts was laid to rest yesterday in the Arlington Memorial burial grounds in Virginia. This was after a church service in Boston that was attended by former Presidents Jimmy Carter and his wife,George Walker Bush and his wife and Bill Clinton and the present US secretary of state. The current president and his wife also attended the ceremony.
What I remember about the long term serving senator from Massachusetts is that he was the third part of the famous brothers, two of which lost their lives in the 1960s. John F Kennedy killed in office and Senator Robert Kennedy assassinated while running for the presidency of the United States. Edward Kennedy was then left with the burden of carrying on with the legacy of the family. He did run for presidency of the US and lost to Jimmy Carter in the 1976 presidential elections. He was a champion of world peace and justice and fought for the end of apartheid in South Africa. He did get to visit South Africa in the 1970s and his picture was flashed all over the local and national newspapers.

Though he lost the race for the US presidency, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise because there after he focused his attention on the senate in which he would be greatly remembered. Champion of issues such as human rights, minority rights and justice across the nation in particular and the world in general, the "Lion" as he came to be known in the senate would be greatly missed by the Democrats in general and the current president whom he helped in his race for the top job in the nation.
There was a lot in his personal life and if you want to read about it try a book titled "Senatorial Privilege" that chronicles his early life as a senator from Massachusetts.

I believe he is the last in the line of the famous Kennedy. The person that I thought would have carried on with the legacy was J F Kennedy Jr. The son of the former president, JFK, but he passed away in a tragic plane accident in 1999 and Edward Kennedy was there with the rest of the family again to mourn another lost in the great family.

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