Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir had been indicted by the international Criminal court at The Hague on charges related to events in the Darfur region of his country. So far up to 300,000 people, mostly of African tribes have been killed in the region and a total of close to 2.5 million of them have been displaced. They are surviving in the desert through the grace of the international community. The displayed people have lost everything, their homes,their cattle and just about all of their properties. They are still being constantly harassed by Janjaweed militiamen that are backed by government forces.The indictment was handed down today the 14 of June by Luis Moreno-Ocampo who compared the situation in Sudan to that of Hitler’s Germany; with the desert being today's concentration camps. There are ten charges altogether.3 counts of crimes of genocide, 5 counts of crimes against humanity and 2 counts of murder.
It doesnt look like the Organisation of Islamic Conference, and maybe African Union are very happy with the charges.
How can one blame them. Many of them will hardly last a day in office if they are deprived of Bashir's suppression tactics.
Michael Galabe
The Organisation of Islamic conference is going to support their guy,the African Union is not against the indictment,they are just asking for more time,I do not know what for.
The OIC and the AU are two interesting organizations. I don't think the binding glue of AU is as strong as that of the OIC. The AU is basically a regional grouping; encompassing just about every religio-political creed. For OIC Islam is a strong glue. The mallam appears to have a very low boiling point, apt to overheat at the slightest offense.
Michael Galabe
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