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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Presidential Elections 2011 in the Republic of Cameroon


The Republic of Cameroon is located in the Central part of Africa and it is due to have crucial Presidential elections in 2011. The elections are going to be crucial because the current President will be going for a third term in office in an election in which he was not supposes to take part. The rules were changed in his favor sometime during the course of his second term in office, a term that was to be his last. There was some out cry in some areas of the population. But the outcry did not change a thing. The current President has been in power since 1982 and he has his supporters who encouraged him to change the rules so that he could run for a third term.
The President should be in his late 70s now and you should think that would be a factor against him. That is not the case though because the main opposition in the country which is called the SDF party also has its own problems. It had its golden age in the late 1980s and peaked in a 1992 Presidential election that it supposedly won, but the elections were stolen from it, so goes the story.

.Going into this particular election the current President, barring some miracle in my opinion would get a resounding victory in the polls. Part of the reason would be that the opposition is currently a big underdog, with very few members in the current government and in the current house of parliamentarians. The elections by the way are to take place in October of the current year.

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