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Saturday, February 21, 2009

थे माउंट कैमेरून रस ऑफ़ होप १४थ Edition

I left home around 5.15am in the morning and arrived at the Molyko Omnisport Stadium about 6.30am. The national anthem was played at 6.45am and the race started as scheduled at 7.00am. The athletes total around 800 divided into the category of adults,junior and veterans. The mountain is about 4090metres high,the highest peak in West Africa and it is quite a challenging climb. I have attempted the climb twice at a leisure pace and made it up to hut two.So you can imagine how tough it is to got up and down in competitive running.I went to a cyber cafe just close to the stadium to to do some work and it was from there that the first person arrived just about 4.24 minutes in total time. The second and third persons came shortly after.So the race for the top spot was very competitive with the top three runners making it in under the 4.35 minute mark. The runners appear in very good condition and they look like they could go on for some time.For the ladies,the winner came in at 5.23 minutes,the second around 5.39 and the third at about 5.41. So the winner of the ladies race won it by a clear margin compared to the men.

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