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Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bakassi Peninsula

The remaining part of the Bakassi Peninsula was handed over to Cameroon on Thursday the 14 of August. The Republic of Cameroon now has full jurisdiction over the Bakassi Peninsula. The few Nigerians that were interviewed express their disagreement with the situation,but had no choice but to accept the international accord.

1 comment:

Juin said...

Hi Tambe,
Yea, I read some of the Bakassi developments online. If one can be permitted some dark humour; I also noted Biya's 'gracious and magnanimous' promises to the Nigerians there that their safety and security will be guaranteed.:)
Would this be kinda like similar promises from his predecessor Ahidjo to Foncha at the Foumban conference? Or maybe the Bakassians simply dont like the Kepi or red berets of the gendarme?
But jokes aside, the resolution of this problem, relatively peaceful so far, is outstanding when compared with the antics of Russia in Georgia.
Nigerian compliance with the Court decision is remarkable given that the issue had neither drawn international attention nor sanctions on Nigeria. I amazed that the Nigerian authorities did not borrow from Putin's book and engage in prolonged mischief.

Michael Galabe